Guardian Digital's Email Security Intelligence, Tips & Tricks & Blog - Page No: 21

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Email Security Intelligence - What To Look For in an AI-Powered Email Security Solution
Roughly 65% of security leaders say there has been a rise in attempted cyberattacks such as spear phishing, ransomware, and business email compromise in the last year alone. The methods that threat actors use are becoming more sophisticated, overwhelming security teams and making comprehensive email security necessary for businesses.
3 Reasons MSPs Are Targeted in Cyberattacks
More companies are outsourcing their IT and data workloads, and having a strong security posture is becoming increasingly critical for managed service providers (MSPs). Threat actors are constantly coming up with new ways to find and exploit vulnerabilities.
Email Security Intelligence - Microsoft 365 Account Takeover: How To Defend Your Deployment
Microsoft 365 users have recently experienced a spike in account takeover attacks, brought on by a surge in credential theft and successful phishing attempts. Last year roughly 20% of companies using Microsoft 365 faced at least one account compromise.
Email Security Intelligence - Best Cybersecurity Practices in Fintech
Despite the Fintech industry seeing a massive increase in growth, they are also experiencing  more than twice the number of attacks in the first quarter of 2022 than at any time in the last two years.
How Secure is Single Sign-On?
Single sign-on (SSO) has been a part of the process many organizations use for years to authenticate with multiple applications and websites for years securely, but its importance is often overlooked and underappreciated. With many enterprises migrating to the cloud and implementing third-party services, it is essential for business efficiency that seamless access to multiple applications from anywhere and on any device is available.
Behind The Attack: Ransomware
Ransomware is an online attack executed by cybercriminals or nation-state-sponsored groups who demand a ransom to release compromised data. In recent years ransomware attacks have grown more sophisticated with advanced encryption capabilities that target public and private sector organizations that no single industry or size of business can escape from the wrath of ransomware.

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