Guardian Digital's Email Security Intelligence, Tips & Tricks & Blog - Page No: 30

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Email Security Intelligence - Threat Actors Are Bypassing Your Email Security Solution. Here's How.
Despite the wide array of business email security solutions on the market today, malicious email is still reaching users’ inboxes, and often resulting in severely damaging attacks and breaches. These cybercriminals are constantly working on their methods for exploitation, finetuning their techniques and tactics to evade the detection of security defenses. This article will explain the most popular and effective techniques that threat actors use to bypass email security solutions.
Email Security Intelligence - Email Security Solutions Explained
Effective email security defenses are of critical importance to businesses’ security and success, especially in this heightened digital threat environment we face due to the pandemic. In fact, over 90% of modern cyberattacks begin with phishing emails. Threats like targeted spear phishing, fileless malware, and zero-day attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and difficult to detect. If successful these attacks carry great costs for victims including data theft, significant, costly downtime, financial loss, and severe, lasting reputation damage.
Email Security Intelligence - Managed Services: A Key Element of Effective Email Security that Even Modern Solutions Lack
Whether it’s the mask we wear when running errands or the bottle of hand sanitizer we now carry with us at all times, we are constantly reminded of the increased physical risk we face daily due to COVID. However, our health is not the only thing that has been threatened by this pandemic. The email threat landscape has remodeled how we work in recent years, leaving businesses, users and critical data at heightened risk. 
Email Security Intelligence - CISA Issues Urgent Warning to Implement Immediate Cybersecurity Measures
In response to the cyberattacks in Ukraine, including the defacement of government websites and the presence of potentially destructive malware on Ukrainian systems, CISA has published a few tips aimed to protect users from the increase in potential cyber threats.
Email Security Intelligence - Multi-Factor Authentication: How It Helps You Stay Safe Online and How to Use It
Have you ever considered how much money an organization spends on cybersecurity? Some research suggests that cybersecurity costs tally upwards of $123 billion across the globe. Regardless of whether this figure is accurate, the total is significant, and despite such heavy investment, it still seems that one of the greatest weaknesses in cybersecurity is the implementation of password security.
fileless malware anatomy of an attack
There’s a new type of cyberattack that is surreptitiously threatening your systems, your data and your business - and this one lives up to every bit of the danger and sophistication conveyed in its name: fileless malware.

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