Guardian Digital's Email Security Intelligence, Tips & Tricks & Blog - Page No: 11

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Email Security Intelligence - Email Security Challenges that CEOs Face - Overview of Threats & Safeguards
Cyber risk has reached an all-time high in recent years, largely due to the increase in remote workers and the widespread migration to vulnerable, inadequately secured cloud platforms brought on by the pandemic. Phishing attacks are the greatest cybersecurity risk businesses face now, as over 90% of all modern cyberattacks begin with a phishing email.
How Can CIOs Use ChatGPT as a Cybersecurity Tool?
As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues transforming businesses' operations, many Chief Information Officers (CIOs) are exploring ways to incorporate AI into their technology stacks. One AI tool that has gained significant attention in recent years is ChatGPT, a large language model that can understand and generate human-like responses to text-based queries.
Email Risk Is Big for SMBs
While cyberattacks targeting large corporations often make headlines, small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are also highly targeted. Understanding these SMBs' risks and taking measures to safeguard them can significantly lower risk.
Effective Methods for Combating Malicious Data & Securing iCloud
Safeguarding our personal and business data is paramount in this modern digital era. According to Security Magazine, there are over 2,200 attacks daily, or nearly one cyberattack every 39 seconds. Technology is advancing, and so are the risks we face. Among security solutions, iCloud is one of the most used and trusted cyber security platforms for both web and email protection.
Email Security Intelligence - Top Email Security Flaws Leaving Businesses Vulnerable to Attack
In this digital risk environment, email threats are evolving faster than ever. Cybercriminals employ new, increasingly sophisticated methods, tactics, and techniques like social engineering and fileless malware to deceive users, evade security defenses, and steal company money.
How Criminals Extort Healthcare Victims With Ransomware
Healthcare organizations are not exempt from ransomware phishing campaigns, whose operations have mastered ways to make victims pay a large sum. Cyberattacks on healthcare systems have spiked since the pandemic, threatening patient care and risking private data loss.

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