Guardian Digital's Email Security Intelligence, Tips & Tricks & Blog - Page No: 15

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What is the Difference Between SIEM and SOAR?
IT experts in the cybersecurity field have more than likely come across SOAR and SIEM technologies. While the two technologies have many similarities, SIEM and SOAR differ in quantity, type of data, and response.
Email Security Intelligence - SPF, DKIM & DMARC: Definition & How They Secure Email Against Sender Fraud?
As modern cyberattacks evolve into more sophisticated email security breaches, organizations must implement more robust procedures to ensure that every message they receive is secure and trustworthy. Unfortunately, built-in email protection features are not strong enough to combat every threat and verify that each message comes from a known source.
Assessing the ROI of Your Email Security Solution
Email is the preferred attack vector for cybercriminals looking to exploit enterprises. Over 90% of attacks begin with spear phishing emails or other email-borne attacks, making it clear that a robust email security platform is necessary for every organization.
What is a Brute-Force Attack?
A brute-force attack involves an attacker attempting to guess a password or encryption key by trying every possible combination until the correct one is found. Brute-force attacks remain popular among cybercriminals due to their simplicity and effectiveness, even though it is one of the most straightforward and time-consuming attack methods.
How Guardian Digital Stops Impersonation Attacks
Impersonation attacks such as CEO Fraud, Whaling, and Business Email Compromise are easy to build and execute, even for malicious hackers who don't have experience. Threat actors create fraudulent websites or send out fake emails from seemingly legitimate-looking domains.
How to Strengthen Your Ransomware Prevention Plan
Ransomware is still one of the most significant malware attack vectors today. Many employees still fall victim to malware ransomware, as email remains the main method of communication among businesses. How can organizations strengthen their ransomware prevention plans with such a significant challenge to stop these attacks? This article will discuss how to start a ransomware protection plan, strengthen an existing one, and the consequences of not having protective measures. 

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