Guardian Digital's Email Security Intelligence, Tips & Tricks & Blog - Page No: 17

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How Data Breaches Happen and What You Can Do About It
Data breaches occur when an unauthorized person or entity gains access to sensitive or confidential information. This can include personal information such as names, addresses, Social Security numbers, credit card numbers, and health records. Data breaches can happen in various ways, including hacking, phishing email attacks, malware, and insider threats such as employee theft or accidental disclosure.
Is Zero Trust Beneficial For Businesses?
Zero Trust might be the most cryptic and hyped trend in cybersecurity at the moment. Beyond being a trend, it's also a fundamental concept and represents the best hope of stopping the significant increase in cyberattacks. Unfortunately, there is a lot of confusion concerning which cybersecurity tools help achieve Zero Trust and which ones pretend to live up to their potential.
Combating the Cyber Risks of Misconfigured Cloud Services
Cloud misconfigurations continue to be one of the biggest threats to cloud email security, according to the National Security Agency (NSA). A 2022 IBM study found that cloud vulnerabilities have grown 28% since the previous year, with a 200% increase in cloud email accounts offered on the dark web within the same timeframe.
The Cost of Phishing For Businesses
  Since the first phishing email around 1995, cybercriminals have used typical and spear phishing emails as a gateway to gaining access to sensitive information. Unfortunately, there are no signs of phishing attacks slowing down, as it is a lucrative business that profits from activities like direct ransomware attacks. Everyone knows there’s a financial cost associated with phishing attacks (that often lead to ransomware), but there’s so much more at stake than just paying the ransom.
What Is A Business Impersonation Attack?
An impersonation attack is a cybercrime in which a criminal poses as a trusted person or organization to steal confidential data or money. Attackers use social engineering tactics to assume an identity by either compromising an account or creating a lookalike; then, they convince targets to complete routine tasks such as paying an invoice, sharing a file, or opening a link.
Email Security Intelligence - What Is S/MIME and How Can It Secure Email?
Have you ever given any thought to how secure your email security software is? If you haven’t, you’re not the only one. Nevertheless, we all have to take security seriously in the modern world. This article will give you the low-down on everything you need to know about the S/MIME encryption protocol for email. Let’s dive in.

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