Client Story: Jersey Shore Federal Credit Union.

Nothing is more important to us than our customers. Every day, Guardian Digital solutions help organizations around the world secure their most business-critical email assets from hackers and phishing attacks.

We are proud to have loyal customers, many of whom have been with us for more than a decade. They’ve shared their success stories with us and we’d like to share them with you and others in the IT community — we want your business to have the same email safeguards and peace of mind that others have found with Guardian Digital.

Whether it’s the comprehensive engineered security designed by our engineers, the cost-effectiveness of open source software, or our unparalleled customer support, Guardian Digital customers across the world rely on our expertise and ability to deliver value.


Jersey Shore Federal Credit Union Defends against Attacks & Breaches in Microsoft 365 with Proactive Supplementary Email Protection

Jersey Shore Federal Credit Union

JSFCU img logo


  • Inadequate built-in Microsoft 365 email security
  • Lack of critical additional layers of protection in Microsoft 365 were leaving users and key business assets susceptible to attack


  • Intuitive supplementary email protection in Microsoft 365
  • Fully-managed email security services that bolster IT resources, enhance security, and improve operational efficiency 

Solution: EnGarde Cloud Email Security

  • Proactive protection against phishing, ransomware and other threats businesses face using email
  • Around-the-clock system monitoring, maintenance and support extends limited IT resources to improve security, maximize productivity and offer invaluable peace of mind
  • Flexibility to customize EnGarde to specifically fit the demands of the corporation


  • Improved email security in Microsoft 365
  • Greater productivity due to the elimination of fraudulent and malicious mail from the inbox
  • Peace of mind that users, sensitive data and key assets are secure from the most targeted and sophisticated attacks


Jersey Shore Federal Credit Union

Jersey Shore Federal Credit Union, a uniquely non-profit financial organization and one of the largest credit unions in the state of New Jersey, relies heavily on email for communicating with its clients and carrying out business operations. The company also recognizes that financial services organizations are a favorite target among cyber thieves due to the high-value client data they collect, and has experienced this firsthand. After a recent security incident in which Jersey Shore Federal Credit Union’s CEO fell victim to a phishing attack that spoofed his address and put his contacts and his reputation in serious danger, Jersey Shore Federal Credit Union executives determined that additional protection beyond native Microsoft 365 email security capabilities was required to make email safe for business.

After thoroughly weighing its options, the leading credit union partnered with Guardian Digital in securing its business email against the most advanced cyber threats. By implementing Guardian Digital EnGarde Cloud Email Security, the company has been able to maintain its hard-earned client trust and experience the invaluable peace of mind that its users and key business assets are safe from the damaging, costly cyberattacks and breaches that are rampant in Microsoft 365.

Email Risk is Big in the Financial Services Industry

Email is the first interaction from the outside world to a credit union’s end-users, and phishing emails designed to steal sensitive information that can be monetized for personal gain are growing increasingly prevalent and problematic in the industry. Banks, credit unions and other financial services organizations are mobilizing their people and technology to maximize speed, choice and convenience for their customers, and these changes are presenting companies with new challenges and increased digital risk. Ponemon Institute reports that 69% of financial services organizations have now experienced a cyberattack at some point during their lifetime. In this dynamic modern threat landscape created by geopolitical tensions, supply chain risks, ransomware, COVID-19, and cyber criminality, the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) strongly encourages credit unions to “strengthen their institution’s cybersecurity programs and preparedness”.

Email Threats in Microsoft 365: A Critical Concern for Jersey Shore Credit Union

With 14,956 members at five locations, Jersey Shore Federal Credit Union chose to migrate its business email to Microsoft 365 for its flexibility, dependability and cost-efficiency, among other benefits. However, the inherently high cyber risk that plagues the financial services industry coupled with the magnitude of the danger that the company’s users and brand image faced daily in Microsoft 365 due to the inadequacy of static, single-layered native email protection quickly became clearly apparent.

Be Aware of Critical Microsoft 365 Email Security Gaps!

Eighty-five percent of Microsoft 365 users have experienced a data breach over the past year, a statistic that can largely be attributed to the critical security gaps that exist in built-in email security defenses provided by Microsoft Exchange Online Protection (EOP) in Microsoft 365.

Jersey Shore Federal Credit Union unfortunately experienced the inadequacy of native Microsoft 365 email protection when the company’s CEO unknowingly interacted with a phishing email that copied his address book and sent out an email that spoofed his address, putting his contacts and his reputation at risk.

After this incident, Jersey Shore Federal Credit Union recognized that superior protection was required to safeguard against credential phishing attacks and account takeovers in Microsoft 365, and began looking for a supplementary third-party solution that would address the significant limitations in built-in Microsoft 365 email security to protect against damaging cyberattacks and data breach - over 90% of which begin via email. Jersey Shore Federal Credit Union executives sought protection that would support the safety, productivity and continued success of the company in the coming years.

Jersey Shore Federal Credit Union Implements Guardian Digital EnGarde Cloud Email Security, Fortifies Microsoft 365 Email against Advanced Threats

Federal Credit Union Implements

After extensive research, Jersey Shore Federal Credit Union realized that implementing Guardian Digital EnGarde Cloud Email Security was the logical decision. EnGarde is a flexible, cloud-based security platform designed specifically to fortify Microsoft 365 email with critical additional layers of protection. EnGarde’s layered defense system included advanced phishing, malware and account takeover protection, coupled with the expert, ongoing system monitoring, maintenance and support required for the rapid detection and elimination of potential security threats. Jersey Shore Federal Credit Union Information Systems Manager Robert Williams, who is responsible for everything dealing with technology including communication, explains, “We needed something more secure than what Microsoft 365 offers. We were looking for something that would scan our emails for any vulnerabilities prior to them reaching our inbox. Something easy to manage. EnGarde demonstrated excellence in all of these areas.”

After implementing Guardian Digital EnGarde Cloud Email Security, Jersey Shore Federal Credit Union received peace of mind that its most critical assets were safe from the severe repercussions that credential phishing, account takeovers, ransomware and other malicious email attacks in Microsoft 365 frequently result in. Williams attests,

“Our experience with Guardian Digital has been a blessing for our institution. You have a greater sense of email security with this extra layer. Interactions with support have always been met with fast and proactive response times.” He elaborates, “The services provided by Guardian Digital have given us the ability to not have to worry about seeing why something wasn’t delivered or if it was blocked. Support will let us know each time.”

- Robert Williams, Information Systems Manager, Jersey Shore Federal Credit Union 

The above images are phishing emails targeting Jersey Shore Federal Credit Union that were identified and blocked by Guardian Digital EnGarde Cloud Email Security.


Federal Credit Union Implements

Jersey Shore Federal Credit Union was looking to experience the flexibility, availability and cost-efficiency that Microsoft 365 offers without sacrificing security. Thus, it was critical that the company bolster inadequate built-in Microsoft 365 email security with proactive supplementary cloud email protection to defend against the damaging, costly cyberattacks and data breaches that are rampant in the financial industry. After thorough research, Jersey Shore Federal Credit Union came to the conclusion that Guardian Digital EnGarde Cloud Email Security was the clear solution. EnGarde is intuitive, adaptive and engineered specifically to close critical security gaps in built-in Microsoft 365 email protection. After implementing EnGarde, Jersey Shore Federal Credit Union experienced greater security in Microsoft 365, improved operational efficiency, and the peace of mind that its users, its critical data and its brand image were safe from the most advanced modern cyber threats.