Guardian Digital's Advanced Email Threat Protection
EnGarde's Advanced Threat Prevention Stops External Email Threats
Stay Ahead of Threats with Advanced Email Threat Protection
The email threat landscape is rapidly evolving, and attackers are becoming increasingly sophisticated in targeting chosen victims through email. The use of well-researched, expertly crafted social engineering emails has led to a significant uptick in spear phishing and business email compromise (BEC) attacks, resulting in billions of dollars of lost revenue for businesses worldwide. Most existing security solutions are static, single-layered and inadequate to protect against this latest generation of email-borne threats.
Guardian Digital EnGarde Cloud Email Security adapts to the latest threats in real-time, protecting you from both advanced and emerging attacks. In addition to creating a completely managed solution with end-to-end control of your email infrastructure, Guardian Digital goes beyond standard protection mechanisms and uses unique targeted attack identification to uncover and eliminate advanced email threats that attempt to compromise critical business email addresses.
Real-Time Machine Learning and Unparalleled Email Protection Support
Email threats have evolved from simple spam and phishing to highly sophisticated attacks. Guardian Digital’s advanced email threat protection goes beyond traditional email security measures to stop the stealthiest, most persistent attacks with cloud-based sandboxing, machine learning, and the level of support necessary to provide the deepest visibility and protection from targeted and advanced attacks available.
Advanced email security analytics from hundreds of other systems uncover and remediate complex attacks in real time, ensuring that your business email, your data, and your people have end-to-end protection.
Protection Against Phishing Attacks and Business Email Compromise (BEC)
EnGarde Cloud Email Security also protects your business from threats that don't involve malware, such as credential phishing attacks and BEC. The FBI has reported that billions of dollars are lost every year due to this sophisticated scam carried out by compromising legitimate email accounts to conduct unauthorized transfers of funds.
These low-volume, hard-to-detect threats cannot be identified using conventional solutions, and target specific individuals within an organization. Our intelligent systems detect fraud with deep scanning for identity theft, whaling, CEO fraud, business email compromise, and W2 fraud beyond the abilities of regular signature-based systems.
Additional Features & Benefits of Guardian Digital Advanced Threat Protection
Block ransomware and other stealthy advanced attacks that evade traditional email security
Detect complex and stealthy advanced attacks more quickly and accurately
Receive detailed reports on highly targeted email attacks against the organization
Advanced graphs & reports provides increased visibility & accountability
Designed to learn from previously unknown threats, reducing future exposure
Keep confidential data secure by blocking messages and encrypting email
Sensitive information secured in a protected cloud service
Protection from more advanced threats, including polymorphic, zero-day malware, malicious URLs, weaponized attachments (including macro viruses)
Real-Time Advanced Email Threat Protection Technologies
Guardian Digital employs some of the most advanced threat detection methods available, utilizing leading open-source techniques and decades of email security expertise to create a truly advanced solution.
EnGarde Cloud Email Security brings together the most technologically advanced open-source developments, a multitude of standards-based security solutions, and the ingenuity and decades of our security expertise to create a cohesive, multi-layered enterprise email defense solution. EnGarde protects against spam, viruses, malicious code, hazardous file attachments, offensive content, and corporate policy violations to create the most vigilant approach to email security.
Enhanced Email Security: Stop Sender Fraud
Three email security standards contribute to the reduction in aggravating and potentially malicious spam email: SPF, DKIM, and DMARC. Still, security risks are prevalent.
Guardian Digital ensures that all email we deliver for our users is authenticated using standards like these, and our security engineers will assist you with this process. We go beyond traditional methods of email authentication to provide enhanced email security, analyzing hundreds of thousands of email attributes in real-time to detect and block potential attacks.
Spam Protection Measures
Guardian Digital has combined the most effective spam filtering methods with its advanced machine learning technology to deliver greater than 99.8% protection, and lowest rate of false positives.