Guardian Digital's Email Security Solutions - ISPs and MSPs
Secure Messaging Infrastructure Against Increasingly Sophisticated Spear Phishing and Ransomware Attacks
EnGarde Cloud Email Security Keeps ISPs and MSPs
Ahead of Persistent and Emerging Attacks
Email Risk Has Reached an All-Time High in the IT Industry
Although email has served as a pivotal method of business communications for decades, it is now more essential than ever in this new reality brought on by COVID-19. As Internet service providers (ISPs) and managed service providers (MSPs) rush to modernize their infrastructure to accommodate the recent increase in remote workers - frequently moving to vulnerable cloud platforms like Microsoft 365 and G Suite, they are faced with a plethora of new challenges and risks.
Cyber criminals are exploiting service providers’ increased reliance on cloud email - barraging these companies with highly targeted and increasingly sophisticated spear phishing and ransomware attack campaigns. Service providers cannot afford to have their email channels compromised for even a day, making it imperative that these companies take adequate measures to fortify their email infrastructure against persistent and emerging cyber attacks.
Cyber Attacks: A Growing Threat to Service Providers and Web Hosts
Inbound and outbound spam, viruses, malware and phishing attempts pose a serious risk to all ISPs, MSPs, web hosts and email service providers on a daily basis. Compromised accounts due to a successful cyber attack frequently result in significant downtime, IP blacklisting and the instant obliteration of hard-earned client trust.
Just recently, Telecom Argentina, one of Argentina’s largest ISPs, fell victim to ransomware attack which resulted in the encryption of 18,000 workstations after malicious actors gained access to the company’s systems in a phishing campaign. The attackers demanded a $7.5 million ransom payment from the company to unlock their data, and threatened to raise the ransom to $15 million if they weren’t paid within three days. Nearly a month later, the ransomware has been contained by Telecom Argentina’s IT department; however, customer service efforts remain suspended.
And Telecom Argentina is hardly alone - the FBI reports that 30% of phishing attempts make it through existing systems and are opened by target users.
Outbound Email Spam Is Increasingly Problematic for IT Companies
Outbound spam is a serious problem for service providers, who become unwilling hosts of this aggravating and often malicious content and face serious consequences including wasted operations and IT time, a higher cost of providing service, blacklisted IP addresses, the inability to meet SLAs, and more.
Combating email spam requires a defense-in-depth approach to security that involves multiple layers of email authentication protocols such as SPF, DMARC and DKIM, along with reputation tracking and analysis, to verify the legitimacy of both inbound and outbound mail.
Modernize Your Messaging Infrastructure
and Secure Your Business for the Future Now.
Partner with an Industry Leader Today.
Ensure Email Continuity and Prevent Reputation Damage with a Powerful, Flexible Cloud Email Security Suite
Guardian Digital EnGarde Cloud Email Security puts the power that cyber criminals have gained over the IT industry back in the hands of the service provider - allowing them to regain control over their email flow and conserve critical resources with a remotely-managed, fully-supported email security solution tailored to the needs of the industry. For over two decades, we’ve been harnessing the power of the innovative, collaborative open-source development model to protect businesses in the IT industry from persistent and emerging cyber threats.
EnGarde seamlessly integrates with your email infrastructure, providing complete end-to-end protection of your inbound and outbound communications and protecting your users and IPs from the wide range of malicious exploits that constitute the modern email threat landscape.
Combat Impersonation Scams and Put an End to Email Spam with Proactive
Email Defenses
In impersonation scams such as phishing, business email compromise (BEC) and email account compromise (EAC), cyber criminals masquerade as a known and trusted sender - for instance, an executive, a colleague or a reputable organization - with the aim of tricking users into sharing sensitive account credentials or downloading malware. These dangerous scams often employ malicious URLs to lead users to fraudulent websites where credentials which can be used to compromise accounts, networks and systems are stolen.
To detect and block all impersonation and email spoofing attempts, our EnGarde Cloud Email Security implements multiple layers of advanced detection techniques - scanning all URLs and attachments in real-time, comparing domains and hosts against common blocklists, conducting a dynamic analysis of all files and scanning destination websites to determine if they are malicious or safe. Our innovative malicious URL protection ensures that only legitimate, secure mail reaches your inbox.
To combat email spam, email spoofing attacks and sender fraud, we employ layered email authentication protocols to verify the identity of the sender. EnGarde leverages advanced intelligence techniques, analyzing hundreds of thousands of attributes of every email that passes through its gateway in real-time and only allowing safe, legitimate mail to be delivered.
Guardian Digital EnGarde Cloud Email Security Key Features & Benefits:
- Keeps service providers ahead of persistent and emerging email threats
- Safeguards against phishing, ransomware and email spam
- Protects sensitive data and prevents email fraud
- Fortifies cloud email against credential phishing and account takeovers
- Enhanced security through a modern, multi-layered design
- Seamless integration with all existing mail systems
- Provides complete end-to-end control of your email infrastructure
- Expert around-the-clock customer support services