Guardian Digital's Spam Email Protection
Complete Spam & Virus Protection Powered by Heuristics
Anti-virus & Heuristic Scanning
Guardian Digital's advanced threat detection technology provides unmatched protection from email viruses and malicious code. Heuristic scanning discovers and protects against previously unknown viruses as well as new variants of viruses already in the net.
EnGarde Cloud Email Security:
Protects against phishing and spoofing attacks
Provides 100% virus protection against known viruses
Uses predictive technology to block evolving threats
Provides effective defense from worms, Trojan horses, and other destructive email programs
Spam & Malware Filtering
EnGarde Cloud Email Security’s spam and phishing technology effectively scrutinizes millions of individual characteristics from each email using Guardian Digital’s unique and intelligent auto-learn system, which instantly uses the resources of cloud-based systems around the world to identify the threats in real-time so you can secure your business email.
Multi-layered protection provides effective defense from spam outside your network
Machine-learning technology detects and blocks threats in real time
New & emerging threats blocked
Prevents phishing, Business Email Compromise (BEC) and spoofing attacks
Protect Against Complex Spear Phishing Attacks
Spear phishing, a targeted form of a phishing attack, is one of the most popular exploitation techniques used by cyber criminals today. Spear phishing emails contain an attachment or a URL that links to malicious code. Because these emails are often sent only to a small group of targeted email accounts rather than as mass mail, they can bypass typical anti-spam and anti-virus solutions. Such emails can also be carefully crafted to look legitimate.
Guardian Digital knows that the best email security solutions use a proactive approach to block both new and known attacks. EnGarde Cloud Email Security can identify spear phishing attacks that deploy even the most cleverly disguised malware. This functionality employs heuristic technologies to determine if an email contains any components of malicious code.
Protect Against BEC Attacks
Increased effectiveness against spam and malware strengthens protection against spear phishing, Business Email Compromise (BEC) — sometimes called CEO impersonation — and other advanced attacks with typosquatter analysis and other intelligence that identifies spoofed emails. In addition, our file type analyzers improve detection of the latest ransomware attacks by leveraging active content within emails and URL inspection from attachments.
Guardian Digital can also work with your organization’s techs to identify the executives and staff most at risk from BEC and to customize the EnGarde Cloud Email Security solution so that it is most effective for your business.
Protection Against Malicious Document Attachments
Guardian Digital EnGarde Cloud Email Security effectively detects malicious PDFs, Office macro files, and advanced malicious code embedded within documents, and prevents them from reaching the end-user. EnGarde goes beyond other proprietary anti-spam products by detecting JavaScript attached to an email or within a zip, and by real-time scanning broad file types including RTF files, Batch files, and VBS files.
Big Data techniques and intelligence optimized by our expert analysis:
Identify and block sophisticated and malicious attachments
Detect polymorphic malware in transit in real time, without impacting delivery times
Prevent malicious attachments from impacting your messaging environment
Run real-time behavioral malware analysis using machine learning techniques to evaluate the content for suspicious activity
Identify and block encrypted or password-protected documents based on policy
Block executable, archive, or macro files
Web & IP Reputation Services
Just as a credit score predicts the risk of loans or investments, Guardian Digital EnGarde Cloud Email Security can forecast the security risk of visiting a website based on a risk score developed over a time period. This risk score is used with our powerful contextual analysis engine which takes into account other data within the message, including any web links, to accurately predict whether an email is likely to be malicious based on its association with other URLs, attachments, and IPs contained within. All emails that are flagged as potentially malicious are quarantined and undergo expert analysis, ensuring that fraudulent or malicious mail never reaches the inbox.