Resources Hub - What Is a Compromised Email Account? The Meaning & Telltale Signs to Look Out For

Email security threats evolve regularly, and businesses must keep pace more than ever. Email addresses are one of the most high-value data assets for cybercriminals since they can grant them access to many of their targets’ other accounts, most importantly, financial accounts.

This is why email accounts, in particular, need multiple layers of protection and why, if you suspect that your email account has been hacked, whether personal or business, it’s imperative to act as quickly as possible. This article will help guide you through the signs of a possible email security breach, what you can do in response, and the proactive measures you can take to prevent future cyberattacks.

What Is a Compromised Account?

A compromised email account occurs when an attacker or unauthorized individual access a legitimate user's email. Once attackers gain access to an email account, they can look at and copy all emails sent or received from that account—and any personal information attached to those messages.

email malwareEmail accounts can be compromised by attackers’ tactics, such as phishing and password spraying. Phishing involves the attacker tricking a user into revealing login credentials through fraudulent emails or websites, while password spraying involves trying common passwords across multiple accounts. Malware can be used to hack into email accounts.

A compromised email account can have serious consequences, including unauthorized access to sensitive information and financial loss. If an attacker gains control of your email account, they can use it to spam your contacts with malicious links designed to infect their computers with malware or steal personal data.

If you suspect your email account has been compromised, you should immediately change the password to a new one that's hard for others to guess and enable two-factor authentication. You should also notify your service provider about the breach so they can help recover any lost mail or files as needed. Let your contacts know that you've had a security breach so they don't unknowingly engage in fraudulent activity stemming from your account.

It is essential to practice good cybersecurity habits to protect yourself from compromised email accounts. This includes using strong, unique passwords, being cautious of suspicious emails or links, regularly updating your devices and software, and using reliable antivirus and anti-malware software.

How Are Accounts Compromised?

Email accounts can be compromised through various methods, but here are some common ways attackers can gain unauthorized access:

  • Phishing: Attackers create fraudulent emails that appear to be from a legitimate source, such as a well-known company or service. The emails may contain links prompting users—who are most likely expecting this kind of communication and don't check the URL before entering their login credentials—into believing they need to log back into something important. Once attackers have compromised these accounts, they can then use them for malicious purposes.
  • Password Attacks: Attackers may use techniques like password spraying to try a small number of commonly used passwords across multiple accounts. They exploit weak or reused passwords to gain access to email accounts.
  • Malware: Malware, including keyloggers and spyware, can be installed on a device without the owner's knowledge. This malicious software records login credentials (such as passwords) and sends them to an attacker. 
  • Credential Stuffing: Attackers exploit the practice of password reuse by using leaked login credentials from previous data breach to gain access to email accounts. Users who reuse passwords across multiple accounts are at a higher risk of being compromised.
  • Social Engineering: Attackers may use manipulative tactics to trick individuals into revealing their email account login information. This may involve impersonating a trusted source, like a friend or coworker, or eliciting personal information through deceptive means.

To protect against email account compromise, staying vigilant and practicing good cybersecurity hygiene is crucial. This includes using strong, unique passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, being cautious of suspicious emails or links, and regularly updating devices and software.

What Are The Different Types of Account Compromise?

Hacked Laptop. Cyber Security Virus Attack And BreachBusiness and personal accounts can be compromised in various ways, such as malicious phishing emails sent to employees or a data breach allowing unauthorized users to gain access. Weak passwords, malware, and social engineering attacks can all compromise personal accounts.

  • Email Account Compromise (EAC): Hackers most commonly gain access to people's email accounts by planting malware on their computers, usually after the victim has fallen for an initial email phishing scam. This can lead to various fraudulent activities like sending spam emails and stealing sensitive information—or sending official-looking messages to other contacts from the victim's email, trying to trick users into giving up personal or financial data.
  • Account Takeover (ATO): ATO occurs when a cybercriminal takes control of an individual's online identity and impersonates that person. Attackers can exploit these compromised accounts for financial gain and other malicious activities.
  • Business Email Compromise (BEC): BEC refers to an attack where cybercriminals target employees responsible for financial transactions or sensitive information. Attackers often impersonate high-ranking executives, tricking employees into making unauthorized wire transfers or sharing sensitive data.
  • Credential Stuffing: In this attack, attackers use username and password combinations obtained from previous data breaches to gain unauthorized access to various online accounts, including email accounts. They rely on the fact that many individuals reuse passwords across multiple platforms.

It's important to remember that this is just a small sample. New email hacking techniques are being developed all the time. So staying on top of solid security measures like using unique and strong passwords and enabling multi-factor authentication is your first line of defense. Being cautious with suspicious emails or links also helps mitigate the risk of account compromise.

What Are The Telltale Indicators of a Compromised Account?

It is important to act fast if you think your email account has been compromised. Start by changing the password to something secure, then take the necessary steps to ensure no further damage can be done. Some signs of a breach to look out for include:

Unfamiliar messages sent from your account 

If you notice emails sent from your account that you did not write, this is a clear sign that someone else has gained access to the account, especially if the emails are sending messages and links to others. If other people are also complaining to you about receiving spam emails from your email address, then your account has likely been hacked.

Unexpected password reset notifications 

Getting messages about changing passwords when you haven't changed anything may signal that someone else has tried to gain access.

Missing emails

Sometimes, hackers delete emails to cover their tracks, which can signify that someone else has accessed your account.

Other unusual activity 

You may also watch for unusual activity from privileged accounts, increased access to services, or increased network activity. Also, watch for logins from unusual locations or strange emails being sent out, unauthorized settings, or registry changes. Finally, contact your IT department or security provider for additional help securing your account.

Steps to Take if Your Account Has Been Compromised 

Change your password 

Immediately change your password for the compromised account. Choose a strong and unique password not used for other accounts. This will help prevent further unauthorized access.

Enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) 

If available, enable MFA for your account. This adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of verification, such as a code sent to your phone, in addition to your password.

Check for and remove suspicious activity

Review your account activity and look for any unfamiliar or suspicious actions. If you notice any unauthorized activity, such as emails sent from your account without your knowledge, delete them and notify your contacts to avoid any potential scams.

Update your security settings 

Review and update your account security settings. Ensure your recovery options, such as alternate email addresses or phone numbers, are current. Consider changing security questions and answers as well.

Scan your device for malware

Run a complete computer or mobile device scan with up-to-date security software. This can help to detect and remove any malware or keyloggers that may have compromised your account.

Be cautious of phishing attempts

Tips Best Practices to Prevent Email Accounts from Being CompromisedDownload

Remain vigilant for phishing emails or messages that trick you into providing personal information or login credentials. Avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading attachments from unknown sources.

Monitor your accounts

Check your financial accounts, credit reports, and other online accounts regularly for signs of unauthorized activity. If you notice any suspicious transactions or activity—report it immediately!

Report the compromise

Depending on the type of account, report the compromise to the appropriate service provider or organization. They can assist in recovering your account and take steps to prevent further compromises.

Remember, prevention is vital to account security. Changing your passwords regularly, using strong and different passwords for each account, and avoiding sharing personal information online is wise.

Tips & Best Practices to Prevent Accounts from Being Compromised 

The best way to approach cybersecurity is preemptive. Taking proactive steps to secure your accounts can go a long way in preventing unauthorized access and safeguarding your data:

  • Use strong passwords with uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
  • Enable two-factor authentication if available for additional protection.
  • Check your inbox regularly for any suspicious emails or activities.
  • Set up email filters to automatically delete or block known malicious emails.
  • Use a secure email provider with built-in security measures to help protect your accounts from unauthorized access.
  • Keep up with security updates and patch any vulnerabilities immediately.
  • Monitor your accounts for any suspicious activity or changes in settings, and contact your IT department immediately if anything is out of the ordinary.


Keep Learning About Preventing Email Account Compromise 

You should be aware of the indicators of compromised accounts and take swift action to protect yourself from any damage. This includes changing passwords, setting up two-factor authentication—and contacting your IT department for help.

Cybercriminals are always coming up with new ways to compromise your email. The best way to protect yourself is by staying informed about the latest security threats and how to avoid them.

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