Guardian Digital gives you the protection you need against today's most active threats to your business and your users. Our email security solutions protect businesses from phishing, ransomware and emerging threats, and mail systems including Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, and others.
Most email attacks don’t discriminate based on the size of your company. Hackers can spot weaknesses that are common among small businesses and will gladly take advantage of these shortcomings.
As long as banks have existed, people have been trying to rob them. But until recently, criminals had to physically enter the bank, usually masked and armed, and use the threat of violence to demand money. Today, that is no longer the case. Over the past 10 years, the world has seen many high-dollar bank compromises in which the robber never stepped foot on the premises.
Understanding the heightened digital risk that you face in this modern threat environment is critical in staying safe while working remotely.
Despite the native email protection provided by Microsoft Exchange Online Protection (EOP) in Microsoft 365, 85% of users have experienced an email data breach over the past year. Learn where Microsoft 365 email security falls short in safeguarding users and key business assets against credential phishing, account takeovers and the other dangerous threats that Microsoft 365 email users face daily, and the type of proactive, layered supplementary protection that is required to make Microsoft 365 email safe for business.
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