What Is A Spam Filter & How Does It Improve Email Security?

Spam filters are increasingly prevalent in email delivery and are more intelligent and robust than ever. It doesn't matter how you send an email or what's in it, it will almost always pass through a filter that determines whether or not the message is sent through. Spam filtering is designed to identify incoming malicious or dangerous emails from attackers.

Attackers send emails with offers of a beneficial service or protect you from imminent danger; just clickbait in disguise. They tempt you to click the link and download malicious software onto your computer, or they will send you to a dangerous website. This article will discuss what spam filters are, how they work, and their role in email security.

What is A Spam Filter?

Spam filters are software programs or services designed to detect and prevent unsolicited, unwanted, or malicious emails, messages, and other forms of communication from reaching a user's inbox. Their primary function is protecting users from unsolicited messages such as phishing email attacks, fraudulent offers, viruses, and other online threats. Spam filtering can help save time by sorting through irrelevant emails while guarding against being duped into clicking on harmful links or opening dangerous attachments. Below are some examples:

Bayesian Filters

Bayesian filters are spam filters that use statistical analysis to classify messages as legitimate or spam. Based on Bayesian probability theory, these email spam services learn from past classifications and mistakes to enhance their accuracy over time.

When a new message arrives, a Bayesian filter analyzes its content and calculates the probability that it is spam based on an algorithm they have built. If this probability exceeds certain thresholds, the message is classified as spam and either blocked or sent to a separate spam folder. Bayesian filters are frequently employed in email systems and other online communication channels, like instant messaging or social media platforms.

Rule-Based FiltersComputer Monitor screen, concept of spam email

Rule-based filters are a form of spam filtering that utilize predefined rules or criteria to differentiate messages as either spam or a legitimate contact. Practices are typically created based on patterns or characteristics commonly associated with spam, such as specific keywords or phrases, excessive punctuation or capitalization, or including particular attachments.

When an incoming message arrives, a rule-based filter scans it and compares it with its set of predefined rules. If one or more criteria are met, the message is classified as spam and either blocked or sent to a separate spam folder.

However, one disadvantage of a rule-based filter is that it is not as accurate as other filters like the Bayesian spam filtering services,  as it relies on fixed rules that may need help adapting to new and evolving spamming techniques. Thus, it may be less successful at detecting new types of spam and generate more false positives or negatives.

Machine Learning Filters

Machine learning filters are spam filters that employ artificial intelligence algorithms to recognize and adapt to new patterns in spam messages. They utilize large amounts of data to identify similarities between spam and legitimate letters and then use these insights to predict their classification.

Machine learning filters are more accurate than rule-based filters, as they can adjust according to changing spamming techniques. However, they require a lot of training data to be effective and may require more computation power than other filters.

Spam Filter Features

The key features of a spam filter are:

  • Sender reputation: This feature allows the spam filter to check the importance of a sender's domain or IP address to determine if they are known spam sources or a legitimate email contact. If their reputation is poor, their emails are more likely to be marked as spam.
  • Blocklisting: This feature allows the spam filter to block emails from specific senders or domains known as sources of spam or malicious content. Blocklists can be created and maintained by either the spam filter provider or the user.
  • Welcomelisting: This feature allows users to create a list of trusted senders or domains that bypass the spam filter and go directly into their inbox. This can be beneficial in ensuring spam protection while keeping important emails from reliable sources from being accidentally blocked.
  • Content analysis: This feature allows the spam filter to scan email content for keywords, phrases, and other patterns commonly associated with spam. This analysis can be done based on predefined rules or machine learning algorithms.
  • Email authentication: This feature allows the spam filter to verify the authenticity of an email using various authentication methods such as DKIM, SPF, and DMARC. This helps prevent email phishing attacks and email spoofing.
  • Quarantine: This feature allows the spam filter to quarantine emails that may be suspicious in a separate folder for further review and investigation. This can be beneficial when reviewing potentially essential emails mistakenly marked as spam.

Types of Spam Filters

Spam Filtering Guardian DigitalDownload

Spam filtering can be sorted into three categories based on who installs it and how it operates: 

  • Server-side filters: Installed and run on the email server that receives and processes emails, these filters analyze incoming emails as they arrive before being delivered to the user's inbox. Server-side filters can be set up to block, delete, or quarantine spam messages and apply policies and rules to incoming messages.
  • Client-side filters: Installed locally on a user's computer or mobile device, these filters work within a client’s email security software program or as their application. Client-side filters analyze incoming messages after they have been delivered to the recipient's inbox. They can be configured to move spam messages to a separate folder, mark them as spam, or delete them automatically.
  • Cloud-based filters: Hosted on a remote server and operating in the cloud, cloud-based filters analyze incoming emails before they arrive at their intended recipient's inbox. Individuals, organizations, and email service providers can utilize these filters for spam protection, malware ransomware, and other email-borne threats by blocking spam messages, deleting them, or quarantining them as needed; additionally, they can apply policies and rules to these incoming communications.

What Are the Benefits of Spam Filtering?

Spam filtering provides several benefits to individuals and organizations, such as:

Return on Investment

The average employee loses 3.1% of their productivity each year due to the time it takes to delete unwanted emails and search for those accidentally deleted. For 1,000 employees, this amounts to $2.1 million lost. This is why a few hundred dollars to implement adequate email security to prevent spam is a small investment that yields a significant return. Spam filtering must quickly analyze each message to ensure the best detection rate and lowest false positive rate.


Spam filtering helps safeguard against spam and stop phishing emails that can be used to spread malware, ransomware, and other types of cyberattacks. By blocking suspicious messages, spam filters reduce the risk of data or email security breaches, identity theft, and other security incidents.


Spam filtering saves time by eliminating the amount of email users have to sort through. Users can focus on more essential communications by automating identifying and blocking spam, increasing their overall productivity.

Improved Productivity

Spam filtering can enhance productivity by eliminating distractions and minimizing the risk of email overload. By blocking unwanted emails, users will spend less time managing their inboxes and more on meaningful work.

Protection Against Viruses

Spam filtering can protect against email viruses and other types of malware by scanning attachments and links to identify and block malicious content before it infects their device or network. By doing this, spam filters help guard against email-borne viruses, threats, and other phishing attack types.

Keeping Hackers at Bay

Spam filtering can help keep hackers and cybercriminals at bay by blocking suspicious messages and recognizing various phishing attacks. Spam filtering safeguards sensitive information and prevents financial losses by decreasing the likelihood of successful attacks.

Keeping Your Reputation Intact

Spam filtering can help safeguard your organization's reputation by blocking spam and other unwanted emails from reaching customers and stakeholders, resulting in phishing protection. Confirming that legitimate and pertinent email communications will build trust and credibility with your recipients.

Customized Services

Spam filtering services can be tailored to fit individual and organizational requirements. From basic filtering to advanced threat detection and response, spam filtering solutions can be tailored according to your needs and budget.

Keep Learning About Protecting Your Inbox From Threats

Premium email spam services are a necessity for IT security today. Email spam is a constant threat to productivity, performance, and security. Spam lowers productivity by clogging employee mailboxes, impacts network performance by consuming bandwidth, and increases the cost of your mail management system.

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