Guardian Digital Makes
Email Safe For Business

Threat-Ready Business Email Protection.
Fully Supported.

We protect your users and your business against today's most advanced threats. Coupled with our protection is the level of support you need to reduce management complexity, support overhead, and exposure to emerging future threats.

Email Risk
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Our Solutions

Cloud Email Security

Phishing, ransomware, viruses, malware, spoofing ... EnGarde is a multi-tiered solution that stops today's rapidly evolving threats before they affect your business.

Cloud Email Security


Our open-source Gmail protection solution means greater security, lower costs, and more efficiency for your business.

GMail Security

Microsoft 365 Protection

Fortify Microsoft 365 email and protect remote workers with critical additional defenses.

 Microsoft 365 Protection

Sign up for a free trial of our fully-managed cloud email security services and experience the benefits of our adaptive, threat-ready protection and customer service you can rely on.

EnGarde Cloud Email Security:
Multiple Layers of Real-Time Protection

Defend against advanced threats like targeted spear phishing, ransomware and emerging zero-day attacks with our comprehensive email protection system. Designed to be secure, our solution is engineered to protect your users and your business against today's most advanced threats. Coupled with our protection is the level of support needed to deliver digital peace of mind for your business.

A scalable and customizable cloud-based system

Policy-based encryption throughout

A resilient and real-time learning open-source design

Innovative zero-day threat protection

A fully-managed system, which reduces your in-office support

Phishing, spambot, and spoofing attack protection

Email Security Best Practices

Email Security Best Practices

to Safeguard Your Business

To help you secure your users, your critical data, and your hard-earned reputation against cyberattacks and data breach, Guardian Digital has put together a free PDF with information on how to safeguard your business in this dynamic modern cyber threat landscape.

Get the PDF

Phishing Is Evolving

Phishing Is Evolving.

Are Your Current Email Defenses
Falling Behind?

Modern phishing scams have introduced a new level of risk for businesses. Attackers are targeting Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace users in increasingly sophisticated campaigns designed to evade built-in security defenses.

Get the Guide

Email Risk in Microsoft 365

Email Risk in Microsoft 365

is Greater than Ever

What's your strategy for preventing loss of email communication and theft in Microsoft 365? Guardian Digital secures Microsoft 365 against the cost of credential phishing and account takeovers.

Get the Guide